Send a letter of intent to the Town Government, which contains following:
– Description of activities that the entrepreneur plans to conduct in the Zone
– A brief description of current activities of the company
– Planned amount of investment in the facilities and equipment in the Zone
– Planned number of new employees after start of economic activities in the Zone
– Electrical power input required to start production in kWh.
– Required land size (lot) in the ZoneThe Town Government decision to accept the entrepreneur’s letter of intent.
Signing of the agreement on the assignment the right of easement with the right to build on a selected lot in the Zone.
Signing of the agreement on the transfer of property rights – free of charge after the fulfillment of obligations under the right of easement with the right of construction.
To employ, with the start of the production in the Zone, unemployed workforce from the Town of Beli Manastir.
Number of new employees in the Area in relation to the size of received lot must be an average of 4 employees per 1,000 m2 of land.
To build objects in value and form required by the contract on the assignment of the right of easement with the right to build.
The completion of the investment and production start within a period of one year from the date of signing of the contract or the date of making available on the lot all communal services (gas, water, internet, electricity etc.).
For more information related to the Business zone Beli Manastir, please contact us on: +385 31710225 or +385 31710200 !