- Land price 1m2 = € 1.00
- Ideal central geographical position of the town in relation to the big cities in the region: Budapest: 234 km; Belgrade: 270 km; Sarajevo: 320 km; Zagreb: 302 km
- Vicinity to the Corridor 5c – 500 m
- Vicinity of the railway line – 500 m
- Vicinity of Klisa Airport (Osijek) – 37 km
- The availability of super-fast internet – speed up to 100 Mbit / s
- Exemption from payment of town taxes in the first 3 years of operation
- Exemption from paying of communal fee in the first year of operations
- Exemption from all municipal contributions during construction
- Exemption from payment of fees for access to water supply and sewerage network
- The transfer of rights of use with the right of construction free of charge
- The transfer of the lot ownership to the investor after the fulfillment of all contract conditions free of charge
Why should you invest in Croatia and Town of Beli Manastir