
  1. Land price 1m2 = € 1.00
  2. Ideal central geographical position of the town in relation to the big cities in the region: Budapest: 234 km; Belgrade: 270 km; Sarajevo: 320 km; Zagreb: 302 km
  3. Vicinity to the Corridor 5c – 500 m
  4. Vicinity of the railway line – 500 m
  5. Vicinity of Klisa Airport (Osijek) – 37 km
  6. The availability of super-fast internet – speed up to 100 Mbit / s
  7. Exemption from payment of town taxes in the first 3 years of operation
  8. Exemption from paying of communal fee in the first year of operations
  9. Exemption from all municipal contributions during construction
  10. Exemption from payment of fees for access to water supply and sewerage network
  11. The transfer of rights of use with the right of construction free of charge
  12. The transfer of the lot ownership to the investor after the fulfillment of all contract conditions free of charge

Why should you invest in Croatia and Town of Beli Manastir

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